16 - THURS 1st OCT

Well, I knew this day
had to come. Going home.
This is all too depressing, so this will be the shortest
report of the trip.
We packed and left the All Star Music using the express
checkout, which was fine.
On to the Disney Marketplace, basically just to waste
time until the flight. We decide that we may as well
finish the holiday in style with lunch at the Rainforest
We have a 15 min wait at 12:30. The food is good again,
we have the turkey sandwich and fried chicken while the
girls share the kids pizza and fries.
Off to the airport, where we are met with a one and a
quarter hour wait to check in even though we arrive 3
hours before flight time. (mutter, mutter, stupid Sanford
Airport, mutter.)
We fly home.
We drive home.
Depression, depression, depression.
Mind you, things are going to get worse. It's back to
work on Monday.
Footnote: We wake up on Saturday morning after a good
nights sleep to hear India sobbing. When asked what's
wrong she says 'I want to be back in Disneyworld.'
I know how you feel girl, I know how you feel.
Sorry this is a bit of a minimalist final part to the
trip report but I don't like writing about depressing
I will post a final part (honest, it will be the last!)
with a summary and some last thoughts.
