8 - WEDS 23rd SEPT

The alarm goes off at
6:30 and we have a light breakfast in the food court
before driving to the Animal Kingdom. I decide to drive
because we plan to move on to Typhoon Lagoon later in the
day as the girls are dying to go swimming.
It is a beautiful sunny morning as we enter the Animal
Kingdom, just the way we dreamt of seeing it.
Let me jump forward a bit to tell you that we absolutely
loved this park. It is amazing. Green, lush, tropical,
wonderfully themed, the paths are narrow and meander
around to give a sense of quiet in a busy place. I know
people have said that the narrow paths become packed with
people. We saw little evidence of this, although I
realise that we are visiting in a relatively quiet
It seems like the way that it has been laid out means you
never see large areas covered in people, which adds to
the more intimate feel of the place.
I digress. Back to our entry into the park. We move
through the Oasis too quickly in our eagerness to get
into the heart of the park but we will investigate more
fully later in our trip. One thing we do stop to look at
is the Giant Anteater. Wow, this thing is big. A big,
walking, shaggy carpet.
Over the bridge and our first view of the Tree of Life.
So many people have said what a wonderful sight this is
that I must admit to not being as impressed as I thought
I would be. It is very beautiful but I don't think you
fully appreciate what the imagineers have achieved until
you walk through the roots and look up at it.
We had planned to go straight to the safari but the tree
sort of draws us in. The walk through the roots is
breathtaking, so many animals carved into the tree. I can
only echo the many positive things I have read about it.
I have read complaints about the length of the walk to
It's Tough to be a Bug but all I can say is that they
could make it twice as long and it would still be too
The girls aren't going to see It's Tough to be a Bug, so
Tammy and I take turns. We both really like it but think
we made the right decision with regard to the girls. If
you have any reservations about you're child's ability to
see this attraction, then please let them pass on it
because it does have some very intense effects.
I don't think the 3D effects are the best I have seen but
the combination of 3D, animatronics, sound, smell and
characterisation make this a must see attraction.
On to Dinoland and Countdown to Extinction. Again, Tammy
and I take turns in riding. I am very impressed with the
ride system. It throws you around but remains relatively
smooth. I know that people who have ridden the Indiana
Jones ride in Disneyland tend be a bit dismissive of
Countdown, but, not having ridden Indy, I thought it was
fantastic. Again, a not-to-be-missed attraction.
OK, time for the long suffering children to have
something to do, so we enter the Boneyard. The girls
enjoy exploring for a while and have fun in the Dig Site,
sand is flying in all directions.
Journey into the Jungle Book is next. This show is nice
but something is bugging me as to why I don't enjoy it as
much as I should. Eventually I think I work out what it
is. The voices.
I think that it shows how hard Disney works in the
initial animated films to capture the perfect voice for
the character. Baloo's voice or Shere Khans can never be
replicated and this sort of spoils it for me.
Africa beckons and a trip on the Kilimanjaro Safari. It
is about 11:15 and the wait time is 30 mins but seems to
go quite quickly. I cannot emphasise how good we all
think this attraction is.
You really get an impression of being miles from
anywhere. Some people have complained that you do not see
enough animals, well, go to a zoo then, if your
conscience lets you. Having the animals allowed to roam
free for their benefit, not yours, enhances the
experience enormously for me. The seamless way that the
animals are segregated is superb and the overall impact
is excellent. Yet another not-to-be-missed attraction.
For a park with not much to do, this place has just
notched up 3 of my favourite attractions on this trip.
Not too bad, eh?
Yes, I do realise that this is only my opinion, which, as
we all know by now, is practically worthless but it's my
trip report, so you'll just have to put up with it.
(Don't suppose it will stop me being flamed though.)
Right, I know this is going to be a bit of a shock, but
here it is, 12:15 and still sunny and hot. Don't get too
excited though, thunderstorms are forecast for this
afternoon and Hurricane Georges is headed for South
Ah well, make the most of it, off we go to Typhoon
We find a place to settle, have a quick swim, then lunch.
We grab a tube and have a float around Castaway Creek,
this is enjoyed by all.
The family raft ride is next which is too short but
Georgia thinks it is great. We have to leave too soon but
a rest is in order before tonights events. Georgia has
enjoyed this more than anything else we have done so far.
Back to the All Star Music where the girls have a sleep
while I wander around the hotel to take some video. Tammy
gets to do some washing, lucky girl, gets all the best
Best news yet, 5:00 and no rain!
Me and my big mouth! 5:30 and it starts to pour.
After showers etc. we leave for Priority Seating at the
Rose and Crown in Epcot. Yes! Real beer.
We arrive at 7:30 for our 7:40 seating and ask for a seat
on the terrace. Not very hopeful of getting one as the
lower terrace is closed due to the rain but at 8:05 we
are seated close to the front of the top terrace.
Food: Tammy has Scotch Broth and Potato Bread followed by
the Pie Sampler, which consists of Cottage Pie, Chicken
and Leek Pie and Steak and Mushroom Pie. She says this is
very good but she can't finish it all.
I have salad followed by beef, jacket potato and
Yorkshire Pudding.
India has fish and chips and Georgia scavenges from
everyones plate.
A few minutes before Illuminations, a miracle. It stops
This version of Illuminations is not as good as the old
one. It is still good but there seem to be more low level
fireworks and lots more smoke. I'm sure that there used
to be more water and laser effects as well. Anyway, it is
very loud and poor India is terrified, she sobs her heart
out, I think she is still feeling a little bit under the
weather. How is she going to react for the next two
nights of Rock n Rockets? 30 mins of fireworks each
As soon as the noise stops she feels better. I ask for a
plastic cup for the remainder of my beer and off we go to
walk the wrong way around World Showcase.
ie.anti-clockwise from the UK.
It must be the rain earlier (it is still dry!) but the
place is so quiet. It is absolutely lovely, practically
empty and all the countries lit up. I see many things I
have never seen or noticed before. Has there always been
a Viking Ship in Norway?
We have to stop while the bridge is raised to allow one
of the boats which carry people across the lagoon to come
Eventually, after a stop to view 'my' fountain, we get to
the bus stop at 10:15. (The buses are supposed to stop at
10:00, one hour after closing.) There is no one else
there but a bus driver going to Coronado Springs takes
pity on us and says he will drop us off.
Another reason to love the Disney transportation system.
The end of wonderful day.
