Day 12 - Sun 31st Mar 2024

Written by Kev

Participants: Tam & Kev

I'm awake at 6.10 am to find Tam has already left the stateroom. She is out by the spa pool, but it is already too hot to sit there in the sunshine as it's an at sea day today.
We have breakfast around 8.00 am in the Botticelli Restaurant. I'm feeling a bit better this morning and so I have toast with poached eggs and tea. Unfortunately the tea is not hot enough, so we switch to coffee instead.

Up to the aft pool where we find sunbeds on one of the higher levels. They are in the sun, but it's quite breezy and so it's pleasant enough looking out over the wake.

Oh yeah, I forgot. It's Easter!

After a while we move to a shaded area near the front of the ship where we order a Bahama Mama for me and a Pina Colada for Tam. Mine is much too sweet, I should have learned by now not to order fruity cocktails on a cruise ship. We have a ham and cheese roll for lunch and then get a beer to take back to the room - told you I am feeling better.

There are screens all around the ship and they interact with your medallion to personalise things. Tam's birthday is not for another 3 days, but you can't start celebrating too early!

We sit for a few hours and I listen to an audiobook on Spotify - Holly by Stephen King. It's lovely in the shade watching the sea go by.
Around 3.15 pm Tam says 'Shall we do something? Have a swim or go to the gym?'
Go to the gym? Are my ears deceiving me? According to Marvel the multiverse is made up of infinite worlds with infinite possibilities. I'm not sure even they could imagine a world where Tam dislikes shopping and suggests trips to the gym. I think she enjoyed riding the bike last time we were there. You ride through various landscapes although, as I point out to her, why pedal and watch a screen with second rate computer graphics when you can look out the window and in front of you is the vast, beautiful ocean. Anyway we manage 2 1/2 miles on the bike and a 1 mile run on the treadmill.

Outside to the spa pool, which is quiet at 4.15 pm. and there are free sunbeds in the shade. We swim and use the hot tub and then lie to recover from our strenuous exercise in the glorious warmth.
Back to the room at 5.30 pm where we shower before heading out to Good Spirits where Tam orders a Passion for the Orient and I have an Old Fashioned. It's ok but a bit sweet. I can't be quite right still as it lasts a while and Tam has another cocktail - this one is strawberry flavour with smokey mezcal. She likes it at first, but not so much towards the end.

We go to the Botticelli Restaurant for dinner at 7.45 pm and are sat by a serving station again. I start with mushroom soup and Tam has the goats cheese souffle. Both are good. We split the mains of Roast Leg of Lamb and Fried Chicken. The lamb is better. I struggle to get through a glass of Zinfandel and I don't want a dessert, but Tam has the strawberry lychee mousse.

Not the best photo, but at least it gives an idea of what the restaurant is like.

We end our evening in the theatre watching an illusionist. The show is ok, but I'm not really a fan of magicians. On the way in I get a Guinness, but it's in a can and is the export strength at 7.5%. I don't enjoy it much, but Tam is a fan of stout, so she finishes her wine and then has my Guinness. I get a girly Coors Light instead.

Back in the room we spend a short while on the blacony where it's like being wrapped in a warm blanket. Bed at 11.15 pm.